Welcome To CalifiaGreen
Taking California Backyard Cannabis Gardening into the Mainstream
CalifiaGreen was founded to help budding backyard cannabis gardeners grow fat juicy buds.

Good information on how to grow cannabis is all over the web. CalifiaGreen aims to be a one stop shop for the best of that info.
You can't grow without seeds and soil. CalifiaGreen continuously searches for reliable sources for seeds, plants and growing supplies, with an emphasis on organic gardening. Whenever possible we test and review what's available.
As we try new products, new strains of cannabis, and new sources, CalifiaGreen wants you to enjoy the rewards of our work. We can't share our bud with you, but we can share our hands-on experience of what works and what doesn't.
Winter Harvest
Sometime last year, maybe around August, Grammy moved her girls into a screened crop cage in order to avoid a caterpillar infestation. At the time, our Acapulco Gold was over 6…
March 14, 2022
October Harvest
Let the harvest begin! Last week Grammy harvested our Panama Red, and today the very sticky and aromatic Super Silver Haze, from Coastal Genetics, had her turn. Up next in the…
October 17, 2021
A Room With a View
Despite the late start, the interference by racoons and possums, and a hazy summer sky, the autoflowering girls are flowering. Last year Grammy fought a battle with Cabbage…
August 10, 2021
Acapulco Gold
After a late start and some nonsense from a racoon (with some help from a possum), Grammy's girls are off to the races. In the lead by a few body lengths is Acapulco Gold. This…
July 2, 2021
Out Smarted by a Banana Head
Well, ol' Rocky Racoon has taken up residence underneath the house, and his nightly forays into the cannabis garden have driven Grammy to Do Something. Having already lost three…
June 18, 2021
The Racoon Cartel Strikes
Having encountered a gianormous racoon in our backyard yesterday evening, we knew who the culprit was that destroyed several of Grammy's precious little girls last night. …
June 5, 2021
Sources and Methods

We like to shop. We like to shop locally. That being said, somethings are better when delivered to your doorstep. When we find a source for seeds, plants, soil, fertilizer and gardening supplies, we'll tell you about it.
There are many ways to grow and harvest cannabis. We concentrate on what an ordinary person can do in their backyard with ordinary supplies. Indoor growing, whether in soil or hydroponically, is complicated and expensive. Plus we're lazy, so we use the easiest way possible to grow. We just want some nice organic bud.
Our Mistakes are Your Successes
The cannabis market is exploding in California and other woke states. There are opportunities for entrepreneurs of all types. Some have good ideas and products, and some are just making a fast buck.
If we find a product we like, we'll tell you. If we find one that promises the moon and instead just moos, we'll tell you. We don't want to waste our hard earned money and neither do you.

If we don't know it, we can find out. If you have questions that aren't answered here, or have product reviews, tips, or would like to contribute to the blog, please contact us and we will endeavor to respond. Politeness counts!